So, when I made that last post in October 2005, I didn't realize it would be a year and a half before the next one. My life is completely different, and completely wonderful. God has been working on me, giving me back joy in life. The most significant change is that I am now engaged to the perfect man for me. His name is Mark, and in God's grace, he loves me as much as I love him, despite both our sets of imperfections. We'll be married three months and three days from now in Madison, and then move BACK to Chicago, a place I was sure I'd never live in again. I am SO excited for the next few months, finishing up planning for the wedding and enjoying my last bit of time as Larissa Moyer.

Last weekend, Mark and I visited Beth in Stevens Point to watch her do her thing at CRU. She was fantastic and our time together, as usual, was filled with laughter. She is a bright spot in my life! We braved a snowstorm to get there, and then another to get back to Madison the next day. In the process, I came down with a cold, and had to be coddled back to health by Mark, who was on spring break. He's back in Chicago for another week of school now. Poor him! So, those are the updates. I'll be better this time around. I think. On a related note, it might seem weird for me to leave my old post up, but it's part of how I got here, and I like to remember those things, so I can be encouraged by how far I've come.