Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New house project roundup

Baby Room
This was the biggest project other than just repainting the living area. We painted the walls a cool gray (notice how the previous almost-fluorescent green is gone. Nothing like fluorescents to calm a baby...), painted a rug, created a mural, hand-sewed a mobile and refinished a couple pieces of furniture, including an old record player cupboard that we ripped the insides out of and repainted. Another nice dumpster pick from Wheaton Center.

The inspiration for the room is a birch forest, but we wanted it to be modern and girly. Hence we added the fuschia curtains and the fuschia, pink, orange and yellow birds.

I also painted one of the walls in our carpeted living room, creating stripes with the two colors that we used for the raindrop wall in our last apartment. You can see that wall here. It definitely brightens the room, but I'm not sold on it yet. Although, I'm at the burned out phase for that project, so it's done for a while either way! Dane did his best to help:)

We also hung a photo grouping of frames that we'd gotten in the old apartment, matching the paint.

Next up on the list is painting the bathroom, our bedroom and finally, the upstairs hall. All this before the baby gets here, right?