Thursday, July 16, 2009

Starting at the beginning...again

As you can see from all the previous blog posts, this isn't something I've been very good at. I'm starting a new chapter of life, being at home to be with our babe, and one of my goals is to rediscover some of the things that used to make me tick. I'm going to work on adding some of the stuff I'm working on and inspired by to this blog, more to keep track of it for myself than anything. I just spent about 30 minutes trying to remember how/where I saw an awesome handmade wallpaper lamp online. Never did find it, but it just goes to show that I need to WRITE STUFF DOWN if I want to keep track of it. I hope you add your thoughts and inspirations as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey La,

I am REALLY excited for you! I can't wait to see what your brain thinks up. What are you starting with?